Revolutionize Your Franchise System

Discover how RAAMP enhances operations across your brands’ business units and drives growth by proving a consolidated asset management software built for franchisors

Organize chaos.
Automate Tasks & Notifications.
Grow your franchise system with RAAMP’s specialized solutions.

The only Asset Management Software built for franchisors and their franchisees

What Defines Us?

RAAMP is a technology company dedicated to revolutionizing franchise systems operations, supported by a team of industry experts.

We combine our advanced asset management software platform with exceptional customer service to deliver a comprehensive suite of solutions.

In addition to our asset management software offerings, we provide personalized support and expertise in technology and software development, ensuring we meet your unique business needs. Our service offerings, including insurance audits, lease abstraction, call centers, and infrastructure, have established us as a trusted partner for our clients.

A Unified platform to build upon

Franchise Challenges

Data-driven insights reveal the pressing challenges faced by franchise systems today, particularly the risk of losing revenue due to inefficiencies. We’ve protected thousands of locations with our asset management software.

Lost annual revenue, indicative of losing a single location (8% of 715k gross sales)
$ 9 K
Decrease in efficiency, hindering business growth and profitability
- 0 %
Average cost of litigation related to insurance or under coverage
$ 9 K

Franchise Asset Management Solutions Software Services

RAAMP offers a comprehensive asset management software and the services to streamline insurance, document management, automate royalties, optimize ad spend collection for franchise systems, and boosts revenue growth.


Many of our customers see an ROI within 90 days.

RAAMP combines multiple applications into one consolidated solution build for franchisors.

Getting Started

  • Discovery Call

    A 5-10 minute call to discuss your franchise system. We ask about 20 questions to understand your franchise system and the business units surrounding your operations.


  • Initial Meeting

    We schedule a meeting with your team, typically one person from operations, finance, legal and real estate(if brick & mortar)

  • RAAMP writes Functional Specification

    We take the information from the meeting and write a functional specification for your operations detailing the different technology stacks and software your system currently utilizes.

  • Review Functional Specification

    Review Functional Specification with the team

  • Implementation

    After we understand your needs we begin the implementation with a timeline and plan. We operate similar to a franchise by having a proven system to gather and organize chaos into a seamless onboarding experience for your asset management software.